Monday, 20 March 2017

This budget hack could help you travel the world

jim price san diego

Managing your finances can be difficult, but a few quality tips and tricks can go a long way. Each week we'll be featuring a new tip on anything from daily spending to retirement planning from a member of the Finance Collective. This week's tip comes from Take Your Success and is a great life hack on how to start saving up for your next vacation!

"What's a travel fund? Good question. It's just a separate savings account that is dedicated solely to travel.

It stores every single penny that you're eventually going to use for transportation and living expenses. And by keeping this travel money in a separate account, you protect it from being spent on regular day-to-day expenses. That means you're not mixing your checking account balance with your travel fund. You're not mixing your regular savings with your travel savings...

Like I wrote in my post titled Best Savings Account for 2017, if you want to get serious about saving your money, then you need to set up an automated system.

For More Information:- Finance Collective


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